Miss Amanda Tattoo Artists Make V On Foot

Actress Amanda Michelle Seyfried (24) from the U.S. claim to love humor naughty. One of his favorite form, said Seyfried, on one foot, he made a permanent tattoo of writing (sorry) 'Minge'. English slang word that means vagina.

Seyfried know the word minge from British actor, Colin Firth. When they are both undergoing shooting the movie 'Mamma Mia! ", Firth repeatedly saying these words and feel happy when Seyfried know what the meaning of the word. "I and my good friend, Rachel McDowell, who both played in the movie 'Mamma Mia!", has a tattoo'', "the story of Amanda told British magazine Glamour.

"I've never really fond of tattoos. But, I want to know what it feels like. Rachel has many tattoos, "he said. "Colin Firth said the word is common in the shooting and Rachel have to explain its meaning to me. So, now, that word tattooed on my leg. The word makes me laugh and every time I see the tattoo, I laughed, "he says.

The beautiful blonde, who is now dating actor Dominic Cooper, admits that he is not innocent as he looks. He always laughed because vulgar things. "I like dirty humor," he said. "I can be stupid and vulgar," he said.

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call Pakistan { January 23, 2011 at 11:08 PM }
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seattle tree service { January 24, 2011 at 3:21 AM }
Wow not what you would think she would be like but then who is. Would have never thought she enjoyed dirty humor.
brad { January 24, 2011 at 3:22 AM }
I think it is kinda cool to have someone who looks so innocent have a tat like that funny
Corporate video production { January 24, 2011 at 3:25 AM }
Minge! Haha, classic!
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JF-17 { January 31, 2011 at 12:06 AM }
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